Torn by storms, caressed by summer breezes, the Outer Banks lives perched between worlds. At these intersections of place and time, human and other animals reside, seeking to take advantage of the ever changing opportunities, always hoping that the reward outweighs the risk...
History of Pine island
Birdlife plays a key role in the history of Pine Island and the entire Currituck Sound region.
Balancing Conservation and Hunting
The Sanctuary in Corolla works to maintain a balance between conservation and hunting regulations.
How you can help, right now
Stay in Touch with Pine Island
Learn about the bird conservation research taking place at Pine Island and find nature-focused events happening at this Important Bird Area along the Outer Banks in our periodic eBulletin.
Kayak Sign-up
Click Orange Button to register for Guided Kayak Programs
Protect the Sanctuary
Every donation will be used to protect the 6,000 acres of marsh complex within the sanctuary and the wildlife it supports.